Profunctors, Arrows, & Static Analysis

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In the past, I’ve talked about using applicative functors to do static analysis (1, 2, 3). In this post, I’m going to explore a concept known as Arrow, and compare its capabilities to those of monads and applicatives. Arrows have a high granularity of features. This post will be split into sections for each of those features. Those sections are:

  • Composition
  • Mapping
  • Strength
  • Choice
  • Traversing

This post has gotten quite a bit longer than I expected. I thought about splitting it up into several parts to make it more digestible, but I’ve been working on it for a while now, and ultimately just want to get it out the door. So I hope you’ll forgive me if this is a little incoherent and rambling.

(Disclaimer: Many of the definitions that this post displays from existing modules are simplified. What you see in this post will be sufficient for using these definitions, but the exact implementations may differ.)

Background - Analysis of Expressive Programs

Monads are important in Haskell because they provide a mechanism for writing expressive programs that have some power beyond traditional purity. With IO, this power comes in the form of impure primitives like getLine or putStrLn. Applicatives, however, are important because they restrict that power to a simpler interface, which allows some applicatives to manipulate the program in more ways.

To see what I mean about applicative, we have to see a computation as being built up of a bunch of component computations. The difference between applicatives and monads is that with applicatives, you can see what those components are before you run the program. You don’t know what their results will be, but you can at least see what they’re going to try to do. For example, with this expression, you can clearly see the two components individually from one another before you have to run them.

(,) <$> getUsername userId1 <*> getUsername userId2

The two components are the two calls to getUsername. Ok, we might not know at compile time what userId1 and userId2 are, but the important part is that (<*>) can see what both of them are at runtime before it has to actually run the queries. It could in principle batch both calls into one SQL query. This could be loosely defined as static analysis. It’s not exactly static, since the analysis is occurring at runtime. But the thing being analyzed is static for the duration of the analysis, so for all intents and purposes, it’s static analysis.

Batching just two queries with (<*>) is one thing. But what if we have a list of queries to batch? The Traversable typeclass provides a mechanism for using this batching (<*>) on a collection of values.

class (Functor t, Foldable t) => Traversable t where
  traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)

instance Traversable [] where
  traverse _ [] = pure []
  traverse f (a:as) = (:) <$> f a <*> traverse f as

This allows you to iterate applicative effects over collections of data whose size and shape are unknown. A traversal will create a computation with one component for each element in the collection. If the applicative is capable of analyzing those components, then using traverse allows that applicative to analyze any arbitrary sequence of components. In the case of traverse getUsername ids, you could imagine the applicative building one big long SQL query that gets the usernames for a bunch of IDs in one go.

The problem with applicatives is that they’re pretty much only static. A computation made entirely of getUsername, fmap, and (<*>) will never be able to use getUsername, look at the result, and decide what component comes next. That is, a component can never depend on the results of the previous component. They have to be isolated and independent. Meaning code like this isn’t possible using just applicatives:

getFriendsUsernames :: Id -> DB [Username]
getFriendsUsernames user = do
  ids <- getFriends user
  traverse getUsername ids

This code is necessarily monadic, meaning this won’t work if DB is just an applicative. You have to use a monad for this code. You might think it’s ok, since every monad is an applicative. That applicative instance might as well do the static analysis, right? But unfortunately, that wouldn’t exactly be law abiding. There is a law:

f <*> a = f >>= (\f' -> a >>= (\a' -> return (f' a')))
-- Or
f <*> a = do
  f' <- f
  a' <- a
  return (f' a')

(>>=) cannot do any such static analysis. When a monad instance sees an expression of the form a >>= (\x -> f x), it cannot see inside the right hand argument. It has no way to see what computation comes after a in order to do static analysis. It has to run a first, meaning it can’t possibly batch a with whatever comes next. So if the monad isn’t able to do static analysis, and the applicative instance has to be equivalent to using the monad, then the applicative instance also must not do any static analysis. This is true for any monad.

  friends <- getFriends userId
  getUsername (head friends)

In this expression, we can’t possibly know which username we’d like to fetch until after we’ve already executed getFriends. So it’s not possible for this monad to batch those queries. Libraries like Haxl get away with breaking this law because they promise that their applicative instance is close enough. But it’s not strictly law abiding, and making that promise is dangerous. Plus, it gives the user of the library a false sense that whatever they do will be batched for them. In reality, you have to be careful not to accidentally use a monadic effect where you meant to use an applicative effect. Facebook uses -XApplicativeDo and their own prelude to make this especially rare, but it’s not a catchall.


We’ll kick off our journey into arrows by talking about categories. Applicatives aren’t the only way to have static component computations. The Category class provides an entirely different way of talking about computations. I’ll try not to get too deep into category theory in this post. Instead, I’ll focus on the Haskell class Category from the Control.Category module in base.

import Prelude hiding (id, (.))

-- Laws:
-- f . id = id . f = f
-- (f . g) . h = f . (g . h)
class Category cat where
  id :: cat a a
  (.) :: cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c

(>>>) :: Category cat => cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
(>>>) = flip (.)

instance Category (->) where
  id = \a -> a
  f . g = \a -> f (g a)

Categories are meant to look a lot like functions. There is an input type and an output type. The methods of this class quite obviously parallel the functions of the same name in Prelude, except that these are meant to be overloaded with new instances. A category allows you to take function-like things and compose them, while guaranteeing that an id exists that does nothing to its input.

Expressions built using Category will have the form f . g . h .... Like Applicative, this has the quality of being made up of statically analyzable components. Before doing any of the actual work that the expression asks for, you can analyze it for patterns and form optimizations. The key difference is that with a category, information is being threaded through the program. Unlike applicative, where the inputs are known statically, and the outputs are computed at runtime, categories make inputs and outputs both at runtime. But the structure of the computation remains static.

But Applicative has one feature that Category doesn’t. You can throw arbitrary pure expressions into the mix using pure and fmap. With Category, you can only use whatever expressions the instance presents to you in its API. pure and fmap allow you to manipulate applicative expressions using arbitrary Haskell functions. This is really important if we want to be able to do any meaningful work with our category.


Disjoint from Category, but closely related, is the Profunctor class. Profunctors will give us the means to make up for the lack of pure expressions in Category. Profunctor makes this possible by allowing you to map over the values coming in and out of a category expression.

class Profunctor p where
  dimap :: (i' -> i) -> (o -> o') -> p i o -> p i' o'
  dimap l r = lmap l . rmap r

  lmap :: (i' -> i) -> p i o -> p i' o
  lmap f = dimap f id

  rmap :: (o -> o') -> p i o -> p i o'
  rmap f = dimap id f

  {-# MINIMAL dimap | (lmap, rmap) #-}

instance Profunctor (->) where
  dimap f g h = \i' -> g (h (f i'))

A profunctor looks sort of like a category, though isn’t necessarily a category. It’s got an input type, and an output type. But it allows you to use pure Haskell functions to modify them, and it doesn’t know how to compose. You can define a profunctor using either dimap or the combination of rmap and lmap (the relationship should be obvious). You should think of profunctors as regular functors, except that you can map inputs, not just outputs.

When something is both a Category and a Profunctor, you get composable expressions that can be changed with arbitrary Haskell functions. In fact, a pure Haskell function can be lifted directly into such a type.

arr :: (Category p, Profunctor p) => (i -> o) -> p i o
arr f = dimap id f id

Those of you familiar with the Arrow class will recognize this function from it. This is because arr really ought to exist in a superclass of Arrow which has been nicknamed PreArrow, despite not existing. PreArrow might as well be a class synonym for Category + Profunctor. (Though in fact, my favorite representation of arrows in category theory treats PreArrows as monoids in the category of profunctors, but I told you I wouldn’t get too deep into category theory here.)

For the sake of completeness, I’ll show how the PreArrow class would look here. But we will not be using it in any way through the rest of this post.

class Category p => PreArrow p where
  arr :: (a -> b) -> p a b

dimap' :: PreArrow p => (i' -> i) -> (o -> o') -> p i o -> p i' o'
dimap' l r f = arr r . f . arr l

Prearrows change our expressions from looking like this: f . g . h, to looking like this: dimap l r f . dimap l' r' g . dimap l'' r'' h. The addition of dimap means there are pure functions gluing all the components together. l must line up with r', l' must line up with r'', and so on. If we exploit this knowledge, we can compose those pure glue parts, and change that representation to this: arr x . f . arr y . g . arr z . h ....

This is our first inkling of the Arrow class. We’re still one big step away from Arrow, so we’re not quite ready to talk about arrows. But we can begin talking about prearrows, as long as we pretend that “prearrow” is just a synonym for “category + profunctor”.


Before we get to an example, I want to talk about free prearrows. A free prearrow is one that gives us an instance of Category and Profunctor for any type with minimal effort from that type. In this context, “minimal effort” can mean a lot of things. The minimum that we can provide here is the “data source”, meaning the definitions of f and g in an expression like dimap l r f . dimap l' r' g. A truly free prearrow would provide (.) and dimap. But we can actually separate those two and do them one at a time. If we separate (.) and dimap, we can start with the data source, give it a free Profunctor instance, and then give it a free Category instance that preserves the Profunctor instance. This will be valuable because it means we can change the Profunctor instance and the data source in isolation from each other and from the Category instance, which will prove valuable later.


-- | Data source
data DataSource a b where
  GetUsernames :: DataSource (Set Id) (Map Id Username)
  GetFriends :: DataSource Id (Set Id)

-- | Free profunctor for any data source
data FreeProfunctor p a b where
  FreeProfunctor :: (a -> x) -> p x y -> (y -> b) -> FreeProfunctor p a b

instance Profunctor (FreeProfunctor p) where
  dimap l r (FreeProfunctor l' f r') = FreeProfunctor (l' . l) f (r . r')

-- | Free prearrow for any profunctor
data Free p a b where
  Hom :: (a -> b) -> Free p a b
  Comp :: p x b -> Free p a x -> Free p a b

instance Profunctor p => Profunctor (Free p) where
  dimap l r (Hom f) = Hom (dimap l r f)
  dimap l r (Comp f g) = Comp (rmap r f) (lmap l g)

instance Profunctor p => Category (Free p) where
  id = Hom id
  Hom g . f = rmap g f
  Comp h g . f = Comp h (g . f)

type Arr p = Free (FreeProfunctor p)
liftArr :: p a b -> Arr p a b
liftArr f = Comp (FreeProfunctor id f id) (Hom id)

getUsernames :: Arr DataSource (Set Id) (Map Id Username)
getUsernames = liftArr GetUsernames

getFriends :: Arr DataSource Id (Set Id)
getFriends = liftArr GetFriends

(Note: The Free type is especially cool to me because it is the free monoid in the category of profunctors. This is explained more fully in that paper I linked before.)

FreeProfunctor works by surrounding the data source with pure functions that we know feed into and out of it. We can implement dimap by leaving the data source alone and composing functions with the functions that feed into and out of the data source. Later, when we pattern match on our data source, the usage of GADTs to pin the types will allow us to see what the types that these functions provide and take are, so that we can correctly make use of them somehow.

The Free type is a little more complicated. It looks a little bit like a Hom-terminated linked list. We lose the info about the types between all the p values. But we know that we start with a in Hom, and end with b in Comp. Composition will behave similarly to list concatenation. We’ll fuse one of the Homs with one of the ps using p’s Profunctor instance, and then we’ll concatenate the lists. All this does is put all the components into an accessible data structure.

Free is not performing any kind of logic aside from the fusion of the one Hom. It’s really quite dumb. It’s up to us to figure out how to use that structure, which is often called “running” it. Traditionally, you run free structures by converting each component to a normal version. So if we can convert each DataSource value into some normal prearrow, we can use that prearrow to actually run everything.

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

  :: (Category q, Profunctor q)
  => (forall x y. p x y -> q x y)
  -> Free p a b
  -> q a b
runFree _ (Hom g) = arr g
runFree f (Comp g h) = f g . runFree f h

  :: Profunctor q
  => (forall x y. p x y -> q x y)
  -> FreeProfunctor p a b
  -> q a b
runPro f (FreeProfunctor l g r) = dimap l r (f g)

  :: (Category q, Profunctor q)
  => (forall x y. p x y -> q x y)
  -> Arr p a b
  -> q a b
runArr f = runFree (runPro f)

These three functions just let you do that conversion. They use rank n types to say they need a function that can convert any p into a q with the same types. Once you have this direct conversion, it will replace each p with a q, and then collapse the free structures using q’s instances of Profunctor and Category.

Control.Arrow has one really good candidate for q in Kleisli, which basically just lets you pack any monad into an arrow interface by writing functions of the form a -> m b. You can convert your data source into these monadic functions in order to get monadic side effects, and Kleisli will take care of doing all the composition work.

newtype Kleisli m a b = Kleisli { runKleisli :: a -> m b }

instance Functor m => Profunctor (Kleisli m) where
  dimap l r (Kleisli f) = Kleisli (dimap l (fmap r) f)

instance Monad m => Category (Kleisli m) where
  id = Kleisli return
  Kleisli f . Kleisli g = Kleisli (\a -> g a >>= f)

runArrM :: Monad m => (forall x y. p x y -> x -> m y) -> Arr p a b -> (a -> m b)
runArrM f = runKleisli . runArr (Kleisli . f)

With all these tools, we can start working with an example. First, we’ll create an expression that takes a user ID in, gets that user’s friend list, and gets the usernames of all those friends.

getFriendsUsernames :: Arr DataSource Id [Username]
getFriendsUsernames = arr toList . getUsernames . getFriends

Next, we need to convert DataSource to Kleisli IO with runArrM so that we can actually run this program in IO. Just to contrive things slightly, let’s say that we get usernames from a REST API, and we get friend lists from PostgreSQL. Since they’re from different services, they’ll need different resources to access them.

runDataSource :: Arr DataSource a b -> (a -> IO b)
runDataSource = runArrM toIO
    toIO :: DataSource x y -> x -> IO y
    toIO GetUsernames users = do
      manager <- newManager defaultManagerSettings
      -- Call the REST API to get usernames
    toIO GetFriends user = do
      conn <- connectPostgreSQL ""
      -- Query PostgreSQL for friends

This is fine, but it’s got a major flaw. Every request calls connectPostgreSQL or newManager, which are expensive operations. It’d be better if we created these resources once and reused them. Obviously, we could just factor them out above runArrM. But we can actually do one better. We have the analyzable features of Category available to us. Specifically, we can examine the expression and look to see if either of the two types of request is never called. If so, we can choose not to create that resource. We’ll have to do a once-over to determine which resources need to be created.

To help with that, we can do something similar to the Const applicative in Data.Functor.Const, but for prearrows. A Const prearrow will ignore its input and output types, and instead just contain a constant value of some tertiary type. When we try to dimap over Const, nothing will happen, since we’ve ignored the input and output types. But when we try to compose with Const, we’ll want to combine the constant values somehow. Since we also have to provide a constant value for free for id, this is a perfect use-case for monoids.

newtype Const w a b = Const { getConst :: w }

instance Profunctor (Const w) where
  dimap _ _ (Const x) = Const x

instance Monoid w => Category (Const w) where
  id = Const mempty
  Const x . Const y = Const (x <> y)

If we target Const with runArr, we can use a monoid to record the presence of particular requests. In particular, we can use the Any monoid from Data.Monoid by recording True when a request is encountered, and we can abuse the fact that (,) is a monoid when both elements are monoids to do this for both types of requests.

resourcesNeeded :: Arr DataSource a b -> (Bool, Bool)
resourcesNeeded f =
  let toAny :: DataSource x y -> Const (Any, Any) x y
      toAny GetUsernames = Const (Any True, Any False) -- Need manager
      toAny GetFriends = Const (Any False, Any True) -- Need postgres
      Const (Any managerNeeded, Any postgresNeeded) = runArr toAny f
  in (managerNeeded, postgresNeeded)

runDataSource' :: Arr DataSource a b -> a -> IO b
runDataSource' f a = do
  let (managerNeeded, postgresNeeded) = resourcesNeeded f
  manager <- if managerNeeded
    then Just <$> newManager defaultManagerSettings
    else return Nothing
  conn <- if postgresNeeded
    then Just <$> connectPostgreSQL ""
    else return Nothing

  let toIO :: DataSource x y -> x -> IO y
      toIO GetUsernames users = do
        let manager' = fromJust manager
        -- Call the REST API to get usernames
      toIO GetFriends user = do
        let conn' = fromJust conn
        -- Query PostgreSQL for friends

  runKleisli (runArr (Kleisli . toIO) f) a

The use of fromJust suggests that the correct thing to do is to lazily load the resources, rather than trying to abuse Maybe this way. But these implementation details aren’t really the point. The point is that this has implemented an idea that is not possible with (law abiding) monads or applicatives. Monad doesn’t allow you to examine what requests will be made, and Applicative doesn’t allow requests to depend on the results of previous requests.


But we’ll quickly hit a wall with this. What happens when we try to get a user’s username and their friends list? With the existing framework, it’s not actually possible. The problem is that once a value is piped into the data source, there’s no way to get it back. When we pipe a user ID into the GetFriends request, we have to no way to go back and remember what that user ID was to pass it into the next request. We would have to have the DataSource requests also return their input arguments so that we can reuse them if we want them, and ignore them if we don’t. Now, we got lucky becuase it happens to be the case that the GetUsernames request already returns the input set as the key set of the map that is returned. But of course the GetFriends request would have to be changed.

data DataSource a b where
  GetUsernames :: DataSource (Set Id) (Map Id Username)
  GetFriends :: DataSource Id (Set Id, Id)

It’s just a little gross that we have to do this manually. Luckily, the profunctors package already has an abstraction for this. It’s a property a profunctor can have called strength, represented by the Strong class. A profunctor is strong if it can freely pass unknown values through it without modification. This is represented by adding an input to the profunctor in a tuple, and adding that same type to the output in a tuple, allowing a value to safely pass through.

class Profunctor p => Strong p where
  first' :: p a b -> p (a, c) (b, c)
  first' f = dimap swap swap (second' f)

  second' :: p a b -> p (c, a) (c, b)
  second' f = dimap swap swap (first' f)

swap :: (a, b) -> (b, a)
swap (a, b) = (b, a)

instance Strong (->) where
  first' f (a, c) = (f a, c)

instance Functor m => Strong (Kleisli m) where
  first' (Kleisli f) = Kleisli $ \(a, c) -> fmap (\b -> (b, c)) (f a)

If you have an arrow from a to b, then you might as well have that arrow tag a c along for the ride. This lets you pass in anything you want to preserve after the computation is done. So if we wanted to save the user id being passed into getFriends, we would duplicate it in a tuple, let one half go to getFriends, and let the other half pass through safely so that we can recover it on the output side.

Now, we still need to give an instance of this to our Arr type somehow. Luckily, it’s very easy for the Free component of it. It simply delegates the job back to the underlying profunctor.

instance Strong p => Strong (Free p) where
  first' (Hom f) = Hom (first' f)
  first' (Comp f g) = Comp (first' f) (first' g)

But it’s a little more complicated to change FreeProfunctor. The profunctors package has something that will do this for us. In Data.Profunctor.Strong, there’s a type called Pastro that does the same thing as FreeProfunctor, but also gives you strength for free. I won’t get into the details, but it does require reimplementing runPro to require q to be Strong, which of course cascades to runArr.

  :: Strong q
  => (forall x y . p x y -> q x y)
  -> Pastro p a b
  -> q a b
runPro f (Pastro r g l) = dimap l r (first' (f g))

type Arr p = Free (Pastro p)
  :: (Category q, Strong q)
  => (forall x y . p x y -> q x y)
  -> Arr p a b
  -> q a b
runArr f = runFree (runPro f)

Now the contortion we applied to DataSource to pass the input through GetFriends can be defined for any strong profunctor. We can write a combinator that uses strength to pass the input through. With this combinator, we no longer have to force our data source to do this itself.

recoverInput :: Strong p => p a b -> p a (b, a)
recoverInput f = lmap (\a -> (a, a)) (first' f)

friendsAndUsername :: Arr DataSource Id (Set Id, Maybe Username)
friendsAndUsername =
  recoverInput getFriends
    >>> second' (recoverInput $ lmap Set.singleton getUsernames)
    >>> arr (\(ids, (usernames, user)) -> (ids, Map.lookup user usernames))


This all works great, but you may notice that that last example was a little ugly to write. The biggest advantage to monads is that they have do notation to allow you to write much clearer code that desugars to the powerful Monad abstraction. It’d be nice if our Arr abstraction had such a good syntax.

This is what the Arrow class from Control.Arrow is for. The Arrow class is GHC’s way of providing a nice do notation for this kind of programming. In reality, Arrow is equivalent to Category + Strong, but unfortunately, since the profunctor hierarchy isn’t in base, Arrow has no direct tie to profunctors. Instead, it reinvents much of the profunctor hierarchy but with hard Category constraints. And as I mentioned before, the mythical PreArrow class is unfortunately not a superclass of Arrow. Instead, it looks like this:

class Category p => Arrow p where
  {-# MINIMAL arr, (first | (***)) #-}

  arr :: (a -> b) -> p a b

  first :: p a b -> p (a, c) (b, c)
  first = (*** id)

  second :: p a b -> p (c, a) (c, b)
  second = (id ***)

  (***) :: p a b -> p a' b' -> p (a, a') (b, b')
  f *** g = first f >>> arr swap >>> first g >>> arr swap

  (&&&) :: p a b -> p a b' -> p a (b, b')
  f &&& g = arr (\b -> (b,b)) >>> f *** g

Arrow avoids needing dimap by using arr instead. As I mentioned earlier, arr is equivalent to dimap for prearrows / arrows. Arrow duplicates the methods of Strong, but also provides a couple of convenience operators that I’ll touch on at the end of this post. For now we’ll ignore them though.

With Arrow encompassing strong prearrows, we should be able to use GHC’s arrow notation for everything we’ve done so far. Arrow notation looks a lot like monadic do notation. You write code in a very monadic looking imperative way, and GHC converts it to arrow functions, just like it does for monads with do notation. We could rewrite friendsAndUsername using arrow notation like this:

{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}

friendsAndUsername' :: Arr DataSource Id (Set Id, Maybe Username)
friendsAndUsername' = proc user -> do
  friends <- getFriends -< user
  usernames <- getUsernames -< Set.singleton user
  returnA -< (friends, Map.lookup user usernames)

Much nicer, right? You start an arrow notation block with proc arg -> do. A statement in arrow notation has three parts. The left hand side of the <- is the pattern to bind results to, just like in monadic do notation. But unlike monadic do notation, there are two components to the right of that arrow instead of one. The middle component (between <- and -<) is the arrow you would like to call. The component to the right of the -< is the value you’d like to pipe into that arrow. The last statement of an arrow notation block must be an arrow without the left-hand binding, and the do keyword can be left out when the last statement is the only statement (just like in monadic do notation). returnA is a convenience arrow provided by Control.Arrow to make this a little more familiar. returnA = id

There’s nothing profound about Arrow being equivalent to Strong + Category. It’s just a different way of representing the same things we did with profunctors. To prove it, here’s a strong profunctor for any arrow, and an arrow for any strong + category.

{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

newtype Pro p a b = Pro { runPro :: p a b }
  deriving Category

instance Arrow p => Profunctor (Pro p) where
  dimap l r (Pro f) = Pro (arr l >>> f >>> arr r)

instance Arrow p => Strong (Pro p) where
  first' (Pro f) = Pro (first f)

newtype Str p a b = Str { runStr :: p a b }
  deriving Category

instance (Category p, Strong p) => Arrow (Str p) where
  arr f = Str (rmap f id)
  first (Str f) = Str (first' f)

The only reason you need to think about Arrow is arrow notation. Otherwise, you can always think about things in terms of profunctors and categories instead. Without arrow notation, I would find arrows too cumbersome to use and maintain in real world code. But with it, we get all the same benefits that monads get from do notation.


We’ll hit another wall pretty quickly. Arrows allow us to sequence commands one after the other, passing results between each other. But there is no way to choose between two arrows based on the results of another arrow. There needs to be a way to make choices at runtime, which is exactly what the Choice class from profunctors does.

class Profunctor p => Choice p where
  left' :: p a b -> p (Either a c) (Either b c)
  left' f = dimap mirror mirror (right' f)

  right' :: p a b -> p (Either c a) (Either c b)
  right' f = dimap mirror mirror (left' f)

mirror :: Either a b -> Either b a
mirror (Left a) = Right a
mirror (Right b) = Left b

instance Choice (->) where
  left' f (Left a) = Left (f a)
  left' _ (Right c) = Right c

instance Applicative m => Choice (Kleisli m) where
  left' (Kleisli f) = Kleisli $ \x -> case x of
    Left a -> pure (Left a)
    Right b -> fmap Right (f b)

Choice runs dual to Strong. While strength allows structure to pass through the arrow, choice allows decisions to pass through. When the decision has been made to give Left x to left' f, the arrow respects that and runs the arrow against x. When Right y was the decision, the arrow chooses not to run and passes y through. Converting all decisions to a combination of Either and left'/right' is obviously a painful task, and it’s a little hard to see how this helps us write code that makes decisions. This is why the Arrow hierarchy has an analogue in ArrowChoice. Arrow notation will convert case and if statements into the appropriate contortion of Eithers automatically.

class Arrow p => ArrowChoice p where
  {-# MINIMAL (left | (+++)) #-}

  left :: p a b -> p (Either a c) (Either b c)
  left = (+++ id)

  right :: p a b -> p (Either c a) (Either c b)
  right = (id +++)

  (+++) :: p a b -> p a' b' -> p (Either a a') (Either b b')
  f +++ g = left f >>> arr mirror >>> left g >>> arr mirror

  (|||) :: p a c -> p b c -> p (Either a b) c
  f ||| g = f +++ g >>> arr untag
      untag (Left x) = x
      untag (Right y) = y

Getting Choice on our Arr type will be a little more complicated than Strong was. There is a PastroSum type that does for choice what Pastro does for strength. But it doesn’t also preserve strength, so we can’t use it. For now, just take for granted that we have both strength and choice in Arr. I’ll show later how we can get both of them, but we’re still a step or two away from that.

If we add an error throwing arrow in our data source, we can use choice to eliminate the Maybe in friendsAndUsername by choosing between throwing an error and returning the name. With arrow notation, we get to write this as a nice looking case expression, but the desugaring will turn this into some kind of usage of left.

data DataSource a b where
  DataSourceError :: DataSource String b
  GetUsernames :: DataSource (Set Id) (Map Id Username)
  GetFriends :: DataSource Id (Set Id)

friendsAndUsername'' :: Arr DataSource Id (Set Id, Username)
friendsAndUsername'' = proc user -> do
  friends <- getFriends -< user
  usernames <- getUsernames -< Set.singleton user
  case Map.lookup user usernames of
    Nothing -> liftArr DataSourceError -< "no username for " ++ show user
    Just name -> returnA -< (friends, name)


There is one more wall to hit. GetUsernames currently uses sets and maps for its inputs and outputs as a hack to allow getting many usernames at once. But it’s kind of ugly. If we want to get a single username, we have to wrap it in a set, and then look it up in a map. We really want GetUsernames to have the type DataSource Id Username. But we just don’t have a way to call an arrow like that an unbounded number of times. So far, we’ve only seen how to create programs that do operations on a constant number of values. We need a way to iterate an arrow over a collection of inputs.

One of the most important features of Haxl is the fact that you can freely use traverse getUsername and expect it to be properly batched. So however we decide to iterate with an arrow, it needs to be possible to batch the collection. Otherwise we’d be making one request for each username we want to get, instead of getting them all at once.

profunctors has a solution for these problems in Data.Profunctor.Traversing.

class (Choice p, Strong p) => Traversing p where
  traverse' :: Traversable f => p a b -> p (f a) (f b)

instance Traversing (->) where
  traverse' = fmap

instance Applicative m => Traversing (Kleisli m) where
  traverse' (Kleisli f) = Kleisli (traverse f)

Traversing profunctors are capable of running once per element of a traversable. If one of your arrows produces a collection of results, traverse' lets you iterate over those with an arrow. Because of the laws of Traversable, we know that each element in the input collection will have a corresponding result in the output collection.

It’s interesting that Choice and Strong are superclasses of Traversing. Conceptually, this is because traversing embodies both ideas. You need choice because there can be zero or many elements in the collection. You need strength to preserve the skeleton of the collection (such as the keys in a map) between the input and output. Concretely we can actually show that traversing proves choice and strength by implementing them in terms of traversing.

instance Traversable (Either x) where
  traverse _ (Left x) = pure (Left x)
  traverse f (Right a) = Right <$> f a

instance Traversable ((,) x) where
  traverse f (x, a) = (,) x <$> f a

secondTraversing :: Traversing p => p a b -> p (c, a) (c, b)
secondTraversing = traverse'

rightTraversing :: Traversing p => p a b -> p (Either c a) (Either c b)
rightTraversing = traverse'

This is why I didn’t try to get choice for free earlier. It’s much easier to just get traversing for free than it is to try and get both choice and strength without it. And in Data.Profunctor.Traversing, we get just that. There’s a FreeTraversing type that does all of this for us. With it, we can get Traversing, Strong, and Choice all on our Arr type for free.

To use FreeTraversing, we have to make some changes to our stack. First, we need to change runArr to support Traversing. We could just change the constraint to require Traversing, so that we can use some underlying profunctor to actually implement the traversing. But an equivalent option, which I think is more convenient, is to allow the interpreter function to do the traversing itself.

type Arr p = Free (FreeTraversing p)

liftArr :: p a b -> Arr p a b
liftArr = Comp (FreeTraversing runIdentity f Identity) (Hom id)

  :: (Category q, Profunctor q)
  => (forall f x y . Traversable f => p x y -> q (f x) (f y))
  -> Arr p a b
  -> q a b
runArr _ (Hom g) = rmap g id
runArr f (Comp (FreeTraversing unpack g pack) h) =
  dimap pack unpack (f g) . runArr f h

The first argument to runArr (the interpreter) is expected to perform the traversing itself. Given an instance of your data source, and an input of a traversable collection, the interpreter traverses that collection and returns results. Because plain traverse takes an applicative, we know it’s at least possible to do static analysis on traversals, meaning we can definitely concoct some way to batch queries in an interpreter.

Next, we should change the data source a little bit. If we’re going to have traverse' available, we probably shouldn’t have GetUsernames do batching explicitly. Instead, it should take in one ID, and produce one username. When we want to get many usernames, we will call traverse' getUsername.

data DataSource a b where
  GetUsername :: DataSource Id Username
  GetFriends :: DataSource Id (Set Id)

getUsername :: Arr DataSource Id Username
getUsername = liftArr GetUsername

getFriends :: Arr DataSource Id (Set Id)
getFriends = liftArr GetFriends

As an example, we’ll revisit the task of getting the usernames of someone’s friends.

getFriendsUsernames :: Arr DataSource Id (Map Id Username)
getFriendsUsernames = proc user -> do
  friends <- getFriends -< user
  traverse' getUsername -< Map.fromSet id friends

I think this is noticably nicer than what we had to do before. Previously, we had to write GetUsername such that it could take in many IDs and return many usernames. Now, we get to do it much more structurally soundly. One ID means one username, and traversing with that means we can do it for many IDs.

Finally, we need to be able to run our data source. The skeleton is going to remain pretty much unchanged. The only thing we need to modify is the toIO function that served as our interpreter, and the toAny function that we used to accumulate those booleans. toAny is easy. Since Const doesn’t actually use it’s input and output types, we can just change it to toAny :: DataSource x y -> Const (Any, Any) (f x) (f y), without changing the body at all.

But it will take a little more work to fix toIO. For GetUsername, we’ll have to acquire all the IDs we want to fetch from the traversable, and then find a way to put the results back into the traversable. Since Foldable is a superclass of Traversable, we can just use foldr to get the IDs out as a set. To restore the results to the traversable, we can traverse it and use Map.lookup on the results to map the original inputs to their results. traverse will bubble that Maybe out to the top, and we can handle the error case of Nothing accordingly.

runDataSource :: Arr DataSource a b -> a -> IO b
runDataSource = do


  let toIO :: Traversable f => DataSource x y -> f x -> IO (f y)
      toIO GetUsername users = do
        let manager' = fromJust manager
            userIds = foldr Set.insert Set.empty users
        -- Call the REST API to get usernames
        usernames <- ...
        return $ fromJust $ traverse (`Map.lookup` usernames) users


Despite getting rid of the explicit batching in GetUsername, we can still batch its use in traverse'. This is a really cool form of static analysis. We’re able to see ahead of time where a query is traversed in order to optimize that query for many inputs.


This works great for one or many requests. But what if we want to make a few requests? That is, what if we have exactly three user IDs and we want to get their usernames? We could just call getUsername three times in a row, but that doesn’t batch the queries. We need some way of traversing a discrete data structure, like a tuple of three IDs. It’s not immediately obvious how, but we can use a function called wander from profunctors to do this.

  :: Traversing p
  => (forall f. Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t)
  -> p a b
  -> p s t
wander = ...

I’m not going to show the definition of wander or try to explain it, because I honestly don’t fully understand the implementation. But those of you familiar with lenses will recognize the first argument as the same type as Traversal s t a b.

wander :: Traversing p => Traversal s t a b -> p a b -> p s t

And those of you familiar with the profunctor encoding of lenses will recognize this as a function that converts a van Laarhoven style Traversal to a profunctor style Traversal. But anyway, for our purposes, the point is that if you have a Traversal, you can use any traversing arrow over it.

The traversal that we’re interested in comes straight out of the lens package. The Control.Lens.Each module defines the Each class. An instance of Each provides a traversal of a specific type of its choosing.

class Each s t a b | s -> a, t -> b, s b -> t, t a -> s where
  each :: Traversal s t a b

instance Each [a] [b] a b where
  each = traverse

instance Each (a,a) (b,b) a b where
  each f (a,b) = (,) <$> f a <*> f b

instance Each (a,a,a) (b,b,b) a b where
  each f (a,b,c) = (,,) <$> f a <*> f b <*> f c


(Note: The actual implementations of these instances do some tricks with type equalities among other things to improve performance, type inference, and error messages)

The Each instances for tuples (up to 9-tuples) give us homogenous traversal of tuples, meaning we can use each to traverse each element in a tuple whose values have the same types. If we package it up with wander, we get a convenience function that looks a little like traverse'.

each' :: (Each s t a b, Traversing p) => p a b -> p s t
each' = wander each

foo :: Arr DataSource X Y
foo = proc x -> do
  (name1, name2, name3) <- each' getUsername -< (id1, id2, id3)

As you can see, each' is letting us call getUsername for a discrete set of IDs. We could have done the same thing “safely” by passing in a list and pattern matching on the result: [a,b,c] <- traverse' getUsername -< [x,y,z]. This is technically safe because of the Traversable laws. But it’s deeply unsatisfying. The each' solution gives us a type level guarantee that the pattern on the left side matches the pattern on the right.

Each actually does a pretty good MonoTraversable impression. There are instances of Each for traversing Chars in Text, or Words in ByteString. We can use these to do traversal on mono-traversable things so we can iterate over them with our arrows and still have those traversals batched.

Extra Notes

  • Ahead-of-time performance

    One of the main drawbacks to free monads is that they have a pretty big performance cost. If we think of these things as ASTs, free monads build and rebuild the AST every time a function is run. This means you need to do considerable optimization for them to be practical. There are some great resources on this out there (Reflection Without Remorse, or Free Monads For Less 1, 2, and 3). But it remains the main problem with free monads.

    I haven’t tested this yet, but I hypothesize that the free arrows I used here will have a significant performance advantage. Not because building the AST is cheaper (it’s completely unoptimized in this post), but because the AST only needs to be built exactly once. Since you get to convert it to a Kleisli arrow ahead of time, you end up being able to just call that prebuilt-arrow.

    Applicatives theoretically also have this advantage, but since applicatives take their inputs statically, you end up needing to rebuild them at runtime for any change in inputs. With the free arrow, you’re more likely to use the same static arrow every time you run it, since the changes in inputs usually just mean different arguments to the arrow.

  • Relationship between Arrow and Applicative

    There’s some well known correlation between Arrow and Applicative, in that every Arrow yields an applicative:

    instance Arrow p => Applicative (p a) where
      pure a = arr (const a)
      f <*> a = arr (\(f', a') -> f' a') . (f &&& a)

    There’s also an arrow generated for every applicative:

    newtype AppArr f a b = AppArr { runAppArr :: f (a -> b) }

    But it’s less interesting, because you may notice that it generalizes to this:

    newtype AppArr p f a b = AppArr { runAppArr :: f (p a b) }

    Which really just means that Applicatives compose with arrows, not that they’re as powerful as arrows. Interesting, but less so than if Applicative proved equivalent to Arrow. It’s not terribly surprising either. Applicative can compose with pretty much anything made up of static functions like (.), (<>), or (<|>). That’s why it’s the king of static analysis.

  • Free Category

    There is a standalone free category that doesn’t require a profunctor. The problem is that it doesn’t preserve Profunctor, meaning you won’t get a prearrow out of it.

    data Cat cat a b where
      Id :: Cat cat a a
      Comp :: cat x b -> Cat cat a x -> Cat cat a b
    instance Category (Cat cat) where
      id = Id
      Id . h = h
      Comp f g  . h = Comp f (g . h)
  • (***) and (&&&)

    The Arrow class defines these methods so that you can conveniently combine two arrows. It’s tempting to see them as an opportunity for concurrency. But in reality, I’m not sure that’s acceptable. Whatever you override them with, they’re meant to have the same semantics as their default definitions. If you use them to do things concurrently, I don’t think that counts as the same semantics. Furthermore, I was unable to find any Free variant that made such concurrency possible without definitely breaking a whole bunch of laws, suggesting at the very least that such concurrency should be handled with great care.