Secure, Declarative Key Management with NixOps, Pass, and nix-plugins

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NixOps is a declarative deployment tool for NixOS, the purely functional Linux distribution. NixOps is traditionally used for cloud deployments, while personal NixOS machines are usually configured with nixos-rebuild. But NixOps can be used to configure your personal machine as well. All my NixOS machines are configured with a file looking something like this:

  my-machine = { ... }: {
    deployment.targetHost = "localhost";
    imports = [./hardware-configuration.nix ./configuration.nix];

By deploying my machine with NixOps, I can provision other resources simultaneously, like a private EC2 instance for VPN, and an S3 bucket to store the build cache for the Hydra server running on my desktop.

NixOS and the Nix store

With NixOS, almost anything you put in your system configuration is likely to be placed in the Nix store. etc files, for instance.

# configuration.nix
{ ... }: { = builtins.readFile ./foo;
$ ls -l /etc/foo
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 Jun 24 03:32 /etc/foo -> /etc/static/foo

$ ls -l /etc/static
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 51 Jun 24 03:32 /etc/static -> /nix/store/jx8wna7pamzwsan81g1lkvk6i48m05qc-etc/etc

As you can see, the foo file ultimately links back to a file in /nix/store. This is because a NixOS configuration is just an ordinary Nix derivation, so everything involved must be in the Nix store. This is good for reasons like reproducibility and rollbacks, but bad for secrets. Since the Nix store is globally readable to all users, any secrets that end up there are as well. To avoid this, NixOps has a key management feature for deploying keys without putting them in the Nix store.

{ ... }: {
  deployment.keys.secret-foo = {
    text = builtins.readFile ./secret-foo;
    user = "will";
    group = "wheel";
    permissions = "0640";

Including this module in one of your NixOps deployments instructs NixOps to perform an extra step where it copies the contents of secret-foo from the Nix expression to /run/keys/secret-foo on the target machine without ever touching the Nix store. /run/keys is a temporary file system, so by default the keys won’t even hit the disk. NixOps commands will make sure to redeploy keys when you run nixops reboot, but you can’t use this command for to reboot a machine that deploys to itself, since the nixops process attending the reboot will be shut down. The destDir option can be used to store the keys on disk instead, which is fine for me since my disk is encrypted.

{ ... }: {
  deployment.keys.secret-foo = {
    text = builtins.readFile ./secret-foo;
    destDir = "/secrets";

NOTE: Keys deployed with NixOps are not deleted from the target machine when you remove the declaration from the Nix configuration. This is a shortcoming in NixOps, so remember to delete keys not stored in /run/keys manually when removing them from the configuration.

Sharing secrets

I keep all my system configurations in a git repo that I sync with my server. For more reasons than one, secrets should not be checked into this repo in plaintext. But I do want some secrets deployed to several machines in plaintext. Pass, the “standard” unix password manager is a convenient, useful tool for keeping secrets encrypted and synced via Git. This is the tool I use to keep secrets synced across machines.

It’s not possible by default to access pass keys in Nix. But there are a couple of ways to make it possible.

  1. The allow-unsafe-native-code-during-evaluation option in Nix gives access to a builtins.exec function, which is sort of like unsafePerformIO in Haskell. It can be used to execute arbitrary commands and parse their stdout as a Nix expression.

  2. Nix plugins are just shared libraries that are loaded at runtime via command line option to extend the Nix interpreter. This is more precise, so we can use it to avoid giving all Nix code access to exec.

Though option 1 is much more convenient, option 2 is more technically preferable. To avoid the inconvenience of having to write C++ and understand the Nix API, Shea Levy has created nix-plugins, a single Nix plugin that lets you add your own plugins written in Nix by providing priveledged access to exec. This restores much of the convenience of option 1.

# configuration.nix
{ pkgs, config, ... }: {
  nix.extraOptions = ''
    plugin-files = ${pkgs.nix-plugins_4.override { nix = config.nix.package; }}/lib/nix/plugins/

This configuration will give your Nix interpreter an extra-builtins-file option, which you can use to write plugins in Nix. The nix package is overridden to ensure that nix-plugins is built with the version of Nix that your system has. You can also always use --option plugin-files /nix/store/.../ to avoid having to bootstrap nix-plugins into your configuration.

Here’s a simple plugin that execs echo \"hello\" to return the string “hello” to Nix.

# extra-builtins.nix
{ exec, ... }: {
  hello = exec ["echo" "\"hello\""];
bash$ nix repl --option extra-builtins-file $(pwd)/extra-builtins.nix

nix-repl> builtins.extraBuiltins.hello

exec can be used to run pass, which will then be run as a child of the process running the Nix interpreter; i.e. as your user and in your shell, not as the user running the nix-daemon. This means it’ll properly prompt your TTY for your master password. exec requires that the stdout of the process is formatted as a Nix expression, so a wrapper is needed to reformat the output of pass to a Nix expression.

#!/usr/bin/env bash


set -euo pipefail

trap "rm $f" EXIT
pass show "$1" > $f
nix-instantiate --eval -E "builtins.readFile $f"
# extra-builtins.nix
{ exec, ... }: {
  pass = name: exec [./ name];

If you call this function with a password name from your password-store, you will be prompted for your master password and the contents of that password will be returned to Nix.

nix-repl> builtins.extraBuiltins.pass "secret-foo"

Putting it all together

Finally, we can use this to deploy a key from an encrypted password-store to the file system.

{ ... }: {
  deployment.keys.secret-foo.text = builtins.extraBuiltins.pass "secret-foo";
bash$ nixops deploy -d my-deployment --option extra-builtins-file $(pwd)/extra-builtins.nix

You can configure the extra-builtins-file option in nix.conf so you never need to specify it, but I don’t recommend giving all Nix evaluations access to your password store. If the gpg-agent still has the master password cached, you won’t be prompted and your secret could leak to less trustworthy Nix code.


This takes a bit of setup, but it achieves highly declarative secret management. Secrets are safely shared between trusted machines, protected by GPG, and deployed to machines simply by declaring the password-store name and destination. This can be used for both local machines and remote NixOps deployments, so this could even be a sane way to deploy secrets to production environments.